My Thoughts: GARGOYLES (1994-1997)

Being familiar with Disney’s animated television output in the 90s, I was aware of the television series, Gargoyles, but never watched it. I never even heard any of my friends or peers talk about the show! So when the show became available on Disney+, I knew I definitely wanted to give it a watch! Having completed the series, here are my thoughts!

(Caution, there will be mild spoilers!)

Continue reading “My Thoughts: GARGOYLES (1994-1997)”

Disney Canon-Forgotten/Minor Characters #49: The Reverend

reverend princess frog

When Disney announced that “Home on the Range” would be the last traditionally animated Disney Canon film, we were all horrified beyond belief!

See, even Culkin's horrified!
See? Even Culkin’s horrified!

Then after the acquisition of Pixar (and other factors), Disney decided to create another traditionally animated Disney Canon film and we were all ecstatic with immeasurable glee!

jumping joy ecstatic
It never rains men, only money!

That film is none other than Disney’s 49th animated feature, “The Princess and the Frog”. Continue reading “Disney Canon-Forgotten/Minor Characters #49: The Reverend”