My Thoughts: WISH (2023)

The 62nd film in the animated Disney Canon had a big role to play as it would be released during the 100th anniversary of the Walt Disney Studios! Do I think Disney’s Wish lived up to this hype? If not, do I at least think it’s a good enough film on its own?

Read on to find out!

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Upcoming Animated Films in 2023

It’s that time of year again! 2022 is coming to a close and 2023 will soon be upon us! Let’s take a look at the upcoming animated films set to be released in 2023.

Keep in mind that I’ll only be mentioning theatrical and streaming films with set (US) release dates and that I won’t be mentioning any live-action/animated hybrid films.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy this list with me!

Continue reading “Upcoming Animated Films in 2023”

My Thoughts: FROZEN II (2019)

We all know that Frozen II was a cash cow. The story of Frozen was not begging to be continued via a sequel, but the successful box office and craze that it spawned pretty much made a sequel obligatory. With that in mind, does that make Frozen II bad? Here are my thoughts.

Mild spoilers ahead!

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‘Frozen II’ Teaser Trailer Debuts!

We finally get our first teaser trailer for Disney’s upcoming animated sequel, Frozen II! What do you think of this trailer?

I personally am loving what I’m seeing! The overall look of the film is quite distinct and I’m loving the stunning animation! I mean, those waves and cliffs look so real! I also liked the bit of the song that we heard near the end!

The characters seem to be going on a journey, but I wonder what the journey will be. Any ideas?

I still don’t want them to give Elsa a girlfriend in this film; I’d rather her remain single.

Frozen II will hit theaters in the U.S. on November 22, 2019!

My Thoughts: FROZEN (2013)


Ok, here it is: the review you all have been waiting for and asking me to do for the longest while! The reason I took so long to see it was that I was waiting for it to come out on DVD. Why? Well, because I would be able to snip images from it for my review the way I usually do. And also because, I honestly had no idea what I thought about it when I saw it the first time, hence my need to see it again.

So now that I’ve re-watched it, what do I think of Disney’s billion-dollar grossing addition to the Disney Canon, “Frozen”? Well…’s ok.

Continue reading “My Thoughts: FROZEN (2013)”

Official “Frozen” Trailer Released

We’ve FINALLY gotten a full-length theatrical trailer for Disney’s upcoming animated film to be added to their canon, “Frozen”. Yes, we had a teaser trailer before, but it didn’t show anything about the plot. So what do you all think about the trailer? And what do you think about the movie now that you’ve seen the trailer?

Personally, I’m not extremely impressed. It seems that much of the film is focusing on the journey taken by the characters Anna and Kristoff more than the actual plot and goings-on in the film. Then again, that’s just how it SEEMS to me.

I also am not sure what to think of Kristen Bell’s voice acting as Anna. And I’m really disappointed that we couldn’t hear Idina Menzel’s voice nor hear her sing one of the many songs in the trailer.

All in all, I’m skeptical about whether this film will be a hit or not. Nevertheless, I will DEFINITELY try to see it!

Note to self: Use Olaf’s “Worth Melting For” line on future wife; maybe she’ll like it.